Browse Division

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Abnormal psychology UC810800 Module
Acquisition of language UQ109784 Module
Adolescence S1 UC808420 Module
Adolescence S2 UC808420S2_202425 Module
Advanced Clinical Dentistry 1 UB709763 Module
Advanced Clinical Dentistry 2 UB709764 Module
Advanced optometric studies 1 UB509004 Module
Advanced optometric studies 2 UB510003 Module
Advanced research, analysis and methods UC809678 Module
Advancing manual therapeutic modalities UB310001 Module
Alcohol and drug studies UL409599 Module
Anatomy and physiology UB107102 Module
Animal behaviour UD310102 Module
Applied sport and exercise psychology UC809676 Module
Article 12 enabling participation and leadership of children and young people UL311981 Module
Assuring Quality in a Childhood Practice Setting UX308778 Module
Beginnings: Advanced communication skills UC807200 Module
Behavioural neuroscience UC809679 Module
Behavioural neuroscience UC811003 Module
Behavioural sciences UB707229 Module
Biological and evolutionary psychology UC809671 Module
Biomedical science UB707230 Module
Building Resilience: Understanding the Impact of ACEs UL311982 Module
Building Resilience: Understanding the Impact of ACEs UB911978 Module
Care and control UL508318 Module
Challenges and practice solutions in remote and rural areas UL311978 Module
Child and adolescent mental health UL310808 Module
Childhood and Society UL309738 Module
Childhood and society (GA) UL507183 Module
Children & Young People’s Empowerment: The Impact on Health & Wellbeing UL311983 Module
Children's rights perspective, A (GA) UL509789 Module
Clinical assessment for advanced practitioners UB711002 Module
Clinical Case Studies 1 UB508005 Module
Clinical case studies 2 UB508006 Module
Clinical case studies 3 UB509006 Module
Clinical dentistry 1 UB707231 Module
Clinical dentistry 2 UB708447 Module
Clinical optometry 1 UB508007 Module
Clinical optometry 3 UB509007 Module
Clinical optometry, Introduction to UB507007 Module
Clinical practice 1 UB707232 Module
Clinical practice 1a UB707242 Module
Clinical practice 1b UB707243 Module
Clinical practice 2 UB711014 Module
Clinical practice 3 UB709765 Module
Clinical reasoning, judgement and decision-making UB711003 Module
Cognition UC808421 Module
Cognitive psychology UC809672 Module
Cognitive psychology and intelligence UC809680 Module
Cognitive psychology and intelligence UC811004 Module
Collaboration and Reflection in Childhood Practice UX308779 Module
Communication, cognition and e-learning UP110102 Module
Communication, Collaboration and Teamwork UL508423 Module
Community optometry UB510002 Module
Comparative childcare: a European perspective UL409598 Module
Comparative health studies UX310834 Module
Comparative therapeutic practices UB309001 Module
Complexities of care in multimorbidity UB711004 Module
Concepts on nutrition within therapeutic interventions UB409001 Module
Conceptual and historical issues in psychology UC809683 Module
Contact lenses UB508001 Module
Contemporary issues in childhood practice UX309771 Module
Contemporary perspectives in early learning and childcare (GA) UL509790 Module
Coordination, partnership and integration in childhood practice UX309773 Module
Counselling interview UC807999 Module
Counselling skills approach UC807194 Module
Critical review UC810807 Module
Decontamination UB911975 Module
Dental alloy techniques UB807006 Module
Dental public health UB708450 Module
Dental public health and career preparation UB709766 Module
Dental public health and leadership and management UB808008 Module
Design principles and processes UB808007 Module
Developing a childhood practice workplace project UX309774 Module
Developing child, The (GA) UL507187 Module
Developing Leadership Capacity in Childhood Practice UX308780 Module
Developing professional practice through placement UL309735 Module
Developing the professional self (GA) UL508420 Module
Developmental disorders UC810802 Module
Developmental psychology: Birth to death UC809681 Module
Developmental psychology: Birth to death UC811005 Module
Developmental psychology: learning in the classroom UC809673 Module
Diabetes UL308480 Module
Diabetes, Advanced UL310806 Module
Digital futures in health and social care UI509001 Module
Disability and society UL310809 Module
Dissertation (Child and Youth Studies) UL910807 Module
Dissertation (Childhood Practice) UL910809 Module
Dissertation (Clinical impact) UB711001 Module
Dissertation (Health & Social Studies) UL910808 Module
Dissertation (Health and Wellbeing) UL311935 Module
Dissertation (Infection Control) UB811916 Module
Dissertation (Optometry) UB510001 Module
Dissertation (Oral Health Science) UB211006 Module
Dissertation (Psychological Studies) UC810806 Module
Dissertation (Psychology MSc) UC811006 Module
Dissertation (Psychology) UC810803 Module
Dissertation (Quality improvement) UB711009 Module
Dissertation: BSc (hons) Integrative healthcare UB310005 Module
Early childhood philosophy and practice, Introduction to UX307116 Module
Effective management and leadership, Introduction to UN209826 Module
Empowering communities UL308477 Module
Enabling self-management: developing practice UN211001 Module
Enabling self-management: leading change UN211002 Module
Enquiring practitioner, The (GA) UL508424 Module
Enquiring student, the UX207002 Module
Epidemiology and surveillance of HAI UC112216 Module
Ethical and professional issues in counselling UC807195 Module
Ethical issues UL309732 Module
Ethics in health and wellbeing UM211981 Module
Every child’s right to be heard: research with children and young people UX211938 Module
Evidence based clinical practice UB310002 Module
Evidence based psychology UC807199 Module
Expert dementia practice UB711005 Module
Exploration and expansion UC807201 Module
Exploring and developing palliative and end of life care UB707300 Module
Fixed dental prosthodontics (1) single metallic restorations, substructures and temporary crowns UB808009 Module
Fixed dental prosthodontics (2) single tooth coloured restorations UB808010 Module
Fixed dental prosthodontics (3) bridgework UB808012 Module
Food and behaviour UB410102 Module
Foundations of clinical practice UB507008 Module
Foundations of research UL907186 Module
Geometrical and visual optics UB507002 Module
Globalised perspectives on childhood and youth UL410832 Module
Health and social policy, an introduction to UL407195 Module
Health and vision science 1 UB508003 Module
Health and vision science 3 UB509003 Module
Health psychology S1 UC808422 Module
Health psychology S2 UC808422_S2202425 Module
Healthcare outbreak management UB911974 Module
Healthy people, healthy places: challenges for public health UL409600 Module
Host defence and protection UB811984 Module
Human disease UB708451 Module
Implementing practice through a reflexive approach (GA) UL508422 Module
Improvement science: enhancing quality in health and social care UB711006 Module
Individual and social influences on health UL311976 Module
Individual differences UC809674 Module
Individual in contemporary society, the UC810808 Module
Individual, society and the health continuum, The UC808419 Module
Infection control UB809590 Module
Infection prevention and control, Advanced UB811983 Module
Informatics in health and social care UG410938 Module
Integration UC807202 Module
Integrative health and science in society UB310003 Module
Integrative healthcare: Supporting palliative care UB710001 Module
Intensive use of aromatics in healthcare UB310004 Module
Investigating inequality exploitation and youth justice UL311979 Module
Involving Children and Young People in Research UX210003 Module
Issues of risk UC809670 Module
Leadership and management in a care context UN209822 Module
Leading a Childhood Practice Workplace Project UX309775 Module
Leading and managing effective communication systems UN209823 Module
Leading change in childhood practice UN209772 Module
Leading practice through a reflexive approach (GA) UL509791 Module
Leading practice through reflexive approach - 40 credit UX309784 Module
Lean quality improvement in health and social care, Introduction to UB711011 Module
Learning through play UL507184 Module
Legislation and childhood UM209570 Module
Literature review (Child and Youth Studies) UL909660 Module
Literature review (Health Studies) UB709767 Module
Literature review (Optometry) UB509005 Module
Literature review (Oral Health Science) UB709769 Module
Literature review in early learning and childcare (GA) UL509792 Module
Managing health UC810804 Module
Managing protection, risk and the promotion of care values UN209821 Module
Mentoring in Education and Childcare UX308782 Module
Micro-organisms and disease UC511966 Module
My studies and the learning community UX207003 Module
Nature of health UB907230 Module
Observation in practice UX308784 Module
Ophthalmic dispensing UB507004 Module
Optometry business skills UB509001 Module
Optometry business skills, Introduction to UB507012 Module
Oral anatomy and physiology UB807003 Module
Oral biology UB707233 Module
Orthodontic technology protective and removable appliances UB808011 Module
Other counselling approaches and models of psychopathology UC808424 Module
Outdoor play and learning UX308783 Module
Paediatric Dentistry: a team approach UB211003 Module
Partnership with parents and carers UX309785 Module
Patient safety in integrated health and social care environments, Introduction to UB911976 Module
Periodontology in Practice UB211002 Module
Person-centred advanced skills and theory UC807197 Module
Personal and Professional Reflection UL910806 Module
Personal effectiveness and study skills UC807189 Module
Personality disorder UC811008 Module
Personality project UC808427 Module
Placement practice module UC808425 Module
Play and childhood UC808418 Module
Policy into practice UN211003 Module
Politics of health and welfare, Introduction to the UL207171 Module
Practical research and analysis skills UL908428 Module
Practicals in psychology 1 UC807191 Module
Practicals in psychology 2 UC808423 Module
Practitioner research in childhood practice UX308777 Module
Preparation for practice UB709768 Module
Primary dental laboratory skills UB807002 Module
Principles and foundations of health promotion UL208487 Module
Principles and practice of optometry 1 UB508002 Module
Principles and practice of optometry 2 UB508004 Module
Principles and practice of optometry 3 UB509002 Module
Principles of optics UB507009 Module
Professional leadership and resilience UB711008 Module
Professional Reflection UL910805 Module
Professional values in practice UL507188 Module
Professionalism, safe working practices, communication and learning skills UB807001 Module
Promoting and enhancing parenting UL909661 Module
Promoting children's rights and inclusion in childhood practice UX309770 Module
Promotion of diversity and equality UL509788 Module
Providing a curriculum for life UL908427 Module
Psychology of criminal justice UC809669 Module
Psychology of individual differences and development UC807192 Module
Psychology, Introduction to UC807190 Module
Questions in psychology UC807193 Module
Radiography radiology UB708449 Module
Recognising and challenging discrimination and disadvantage UL308478 Module
Remote and rural health UL509787 Module
Removable dental prosthodontics (1) - Partial dentures UB807004 Module
Removable Dental Prosthodontics (2) Complete Denture Manufacturing Processes. UB807005 Module
Research methods in psychology, Advanced UL309733 Module
Research, analysis and methods UC808428 Module
Research, analysis and methods, Advanced UC811002 Module
Researching the social world UX208454 Module
Review and reflection UC807203 Module
Risk, vulnerability and capacity - legal and ethical frameworks for professional practice UB711010 Module
Role of integrative healthcare in the management of injury and disease, The UB309002 Module
Safe working practices in ELC (GA) UL507185 Module
Science of vision UB507005 Module
Sciences for the healthcare professional UB507003 Module
Social and evolutionary psychology: from anti-mentalism to critical social UC809682 Module
Social and evolutionary psychology: from anti-mentalism to critical social psychology UC811007 Module
Social psychology UC809675 Module
Sociology of the family UC807188 Module
Specialist provision UL608455 Module
Sports and exercise psychology UC610102 Module
Structure and function of the visual pathway UB507006 Module
Study skills for optometrists UB507011 Module
Study skills, Advanced UX208450 Module
Studying people in the social sciences UC807123 Module
Supporting additional support needs in practice UL508426 Module
Supporting practice through a reflexive approach (GA) UL507186 Module
Supporting self-management in mental health UB911977 Module
The Built Environment (Infection Prevention and Control) UB811985 Module
The Enquiring Practitioner UX209003 Module
The Global Child: Contemporary Childhoods UL311980 Module
Theoretical perspectives, Introduction to UC807196 Module
Therapeutic practices in a supportive setting UB309003 Module
UNCRC: Investigating exploitation, youth justice and education in relation to children's rights, the UM210002 Module
Understanding health, health information and data health UB507001 Module
Working in partnership UL708479 Module
Working With Our Youngest Children UL508425 Module
Youth Behaviour and Society UL308479 Module

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