Name Sort by name
Code Sort by code
Type Sort by type
(Re)Presenting Highland history |
UV211979 |
Module |
A clash of civilisations: The Crusades, c.1096-1198 |
UV209801 |
Module |
A society at war? Scotland, 1100 - 1400 |
UV209808 |
Module |
A' Cumail Taic ri gach Neach-ionnsachaidh |
UX311203 |
Module |
A' Leasachadh Choimhearsnachdan Gàidhlig: Sgilean Pragtaigeach |
UQ509832 |
Module |
A' Riochdachadh a rèir Cuspair |
UW310830 |
Module |
A' Sgrìobhadh Airson Rèidio agus Telebhisein |
UP308403 |
Module |
A' Stiùireadh Ionnsachadh ann am Foghlam Gàidhlig |
UX311202 |
Module |
A' Teagasg Ceòl |
UW309808 |
Module |
Additional Support Needs in Scottish Schools |
UX310835 |
Module |
Ag amas air Teagasg 1 (Preparing to Teach 1) |
UX107108 |
Module |
Ag Amas air Teagasg 2 (Preparing to Teach 2) |
UX108013 |
Module |
Ainm-eòlas na h-Alba |
UL708477 |
Module |
Aithriseachd Làitheil |
UP508367 |
Module |
Alba ann am Filmichean |
UP308404 |
Module |
Alps, hills and plain? Central Europe to 1918 |
UV209793 |
Module |
An Cùrsa Adhartais modal a dhà (CA2) |
UQ507212 |
Module |
An Cùrsa Adhartais modal a h-aon (CA1) |
UQ507211 |
Module |
An Cùrsa Adhartais modal a trì (CA3) |
UQ507213 |
Module |
An Cùrsa Adhartais, modal a ceithir (CA4) |
UQ507214 |
Module |
An Cùrsa Adhartais, modal a Còig (CA5) |
UQ507221 |
Module |
An Cùrsa Adhartais, modal a Sia (CA6) |
UQ507222 |
Module |
An Introduction to Social Interaction |
UL507189 |
Module |
An neach dreuchdail breithneachail is feòrachail (Critical and enquiring professional) |
UQ510854 |
Module |
An Sgeulachd Ghoirid |
UQ508495 |
Module |
An t-Aos Dàna |
UQ510845 |
Module |
An Àrainneachd agus Seasmhachd air an Talamh |
UF611982 |
Module |
Annas-làimhe 3 |
UW309805 |
Module |
Annas-làimhe 4 |
UW310829 |
Module |
Annas-làimhe agus Òrain Ghàidhlig 1 |
UW307227 |
Module |
Annas-làimhe agus ÒraIn Ghàidhlig 2 |
UW308472 |
Module |
Anthropology of Religion |
UV608489 |
Module |
Apocalyptic fictions |
UQ310819 |
Module |
Applied Critical Enquiry |
UX211937 |
Module |
Applied critical enquiry in community learning and development |
UL510000 |
Module |
Applied food safety and quality |
UX107101 |
Module |
Applied food science |
UX110008 |
Module |
Applied research project |
UL311984 |
Module |
Applying psychology to learning |
UC811001 |
Module |
Approaches to Economic Development |
UL708474 |
Module |
Archaeobotany to zooarchaeology |
UF411903 |
Module |
Archaeological and geophysical survey |
UV411003 |
Module |
Archaeological heritage of Orkney and Shetland |
UV411011 |
Module |
Archaeological sciences |
UV409113 |
Module |
Archaeological theory and method |
UF407102 |
Module |
Archaeology and interpretation |
UV409114 |
Module |
Archaeology and local studies |
UV407105 |
Module |
Archaeology of the Highlands and Islands |
UV411997 |
Module |
Archaeology placement |
UF409517 |
Module |
Archaeology Project |
UV409116 |
Module |
Arguments and Alternatives in History |
UV211980 |
Module |
Artefacts and technology |
UV411016 |
Module |
Assessment in teaching in the clinical environment |
UX311091 |
Module |
Atlantic world, 1492 - 1800: the old world meets the new |
UV207221 |
Module |
Auto/biography: time, memory, identity |
UQ310818 |
Module |
Avant-garde literature |
UQ310822 |
Module |
A’ Deasachadh airson Obair |
UQ508462 |
Module |
A’ Ghàidhlig an-Dè ’s an-Diugh |
UQ508497 |
Module |
A’ Leasachadh Sgilean Eadar-Phearsanta |
UQ508463 |
Module |
Back to basics: nutrition |
UX108006 |
Module |
Bailtean is Iomairean |
UL411980 |
Module |
Being human: Pauline anthropology in its ancient and modern contexts |
UV610702 |
Module |
Belief, culture and community |
UL308476 |
Module |
Beul-aithris Ghàidhlig |
UQ508494 |
Module |
Biblical theology of mission |
UV608476 |
Module |
Biomolecular archaeology |
UF410707 |
Module |
Blended learning, Introduction to |
UX107100 |
Module |
Books and blackboards: education in Scotland, 1700-1900 |
UV209803 |
Module |
Britain and the United States: a history of special relationships, c.1776 - present day |
UV209807 |
Module |
Britain begins: the archaeology of British identity |
UV211937 |
Module |
Britain's empire: colonies and consequences, 1783 - 1950 |
UV210827 |
Module |
British empire |
UV211995 |
Module |
British identities |
UV211938 |
Module |
Britishness and sport |
UV211996 |
Module |
Building capacity in excellence and equity |
UX311017 |
Module |
Building Professional Knowledge and Understanding |
UX110001 |
Module |
Bàrdachd 1600-1900 |
UQ509830 |
Module |
Bàrdachd bho 1900 |
UQ508493 |
Module |
Case studies in eco-literature |
UC111960 |
Module |
Castles and feudal lordship |
UV210826 |
Module |
Castles in Context |
UV211972 |
Module |
Ceistean Mòra an Latha an-Diugh |
UL411981 |
Module |
Celtic and celtic revival art in Scotland 600 - 2000 |
UV909597 |
Module |
Celtic and Celtic Revival Art in Scotland 600-2000 |
UV910722 |
Module |
Celts and Vikings in contact: the North Atlantic a shared cultural space |
UR611004 |
Module |
Challenging Liberal Democracy: Political Ideas in a Changing World |
UL209651 |
Module |
Chaos and Conflict?: ‘Civil Wars’ in high medieval Scandinavia |
UV110002 |
Module |
Children's literature |
UQ309683 |
Module |
Chivalry and Elite Culture in Context - England and Its Neighbours, 1066 to 1327 |
UV209787 |
Module |
Christian ethics |
UV610784 |
Module |
Christian ministries |
UV608490 |
Module |
Christian spirituality, An overview |
UV609740 |
Module |
Clann agus an ionnsachadh (Children and their learning) |
UQ509840 |
Module |
Climate, land and people |
UF807001 |
Module |
Clàradh is Riochdachadh |
UW310832 |
Module |
Coimpiutaireachd agus an t-Eadar-lìon |
UG408110 |
Module |
Coimpiutaireachd airson na Gàidhlig |
UQ507235 |
Module |
Cold island tourism |
UN810681 |
Module |
Collaborative enquiry |
UX311008 |
Module |
Comas Conaltraidh A |
UQ507223 |
Module |
Comas Conaltraidh B |
UQ507224 |
Module |
Coming out: late 19th and 20th century theatre |
UQ307198 |
Module |
Communication strategies and theories |
UN811982 |
Module |
Community energy |
UH908001 |
Module |
Community-Based Economic Development |
UD409203 |
Module |
Community-based economic development |
UL108731 |
Module |
Comparative institutions of justice |
UM907001 |
Module |
Comparative Politics |
UL208484 |
Module |
Conflict and the balance of power in Europe 1789 - 1945 |
UV107223 |
Module |
Conquerors, Crusaders and Churchmen: The World of the Normans, c.911-c.1204 |
UV109003 |
Module |
Consumerist society, the |
UF710840 |
Module |
Contemplating the clearances |
UV211983 |
Module |
Contemporary food and textile issues |
UX110009 |
Module |
Contemporary Scottish poetry |
UQ210730 |
Module |
Continental philosophy |
UV509569 |
Module |
Counselling in the pastoral setting, an integrative approach |
UV609742 |
Module |
Court kirk and burgh in late medieval and early modern Scotland |
UV108000 |
Module |
Creating digital educational resources |
UI111008 |
Module |
Creideamh and freuteries: traditional custom and belief in the Highlands and Islands |
UV911975 |
Module |
Crime, custom and conflict 1700 - 1850 |
UV209800 |
Module |
Criminological theory, Introduction to |
UM907002 |
Module |
Critical enquiry, An introduction to |
UX311007 |
Module |
Critical inequalities: problems, policies, and the future |
UL309728 |
Module |
Critical reflection and enquiry in practice |
UX311009 |
Module |
Critical reflection for middle leadership |
UX311018 |
Module |
Crown-Magnate relations in later medieval northern Scotland, c 1290 - 1500 |
UV209790 |
Module |
Cruthachadh is Cothromachadh |
UW310831 |
Module |
Cultar Dùthchasach 's Tìr-mòr na Roinn Eòrpa |
UL311973 |
Module |
Cultar Dùthchasach: Dòighean Rannsachaidh |
UL311974 |
Module |
Cultar nan Gàidheal |
UQ507241 |
Module |
Cultar, Fèin-aithne agus Ideòlas Cànain ann am Foghlam Gàidhlig |
UX311205 |
Module |
Cultural centres and economic powerhouses: Amsterdam, Hamburg and London during the early modern period |
UV309733 |
Module |
Cultural Criminology |
UC810799 |
Module |
Cultural heritage management |
UV411998 |
Module |
Culture and Christianity in the Highlands and Islands, 1742 - 1893 |
UV210825 |
Module |
Culture and cognition: applying theory in the community |
UC808426 |
Module |
Culture and Society (Foundations) |
UV611974 |
Module |
Culture, cognition and education |
UX307119 |
Module |
Culture? Heritage? What? |
UV707001 |
Module |
Curious age: European society and culture, c. 1500-1750, a |
UV208493 |
Module |
Curriculum and pedagogy |
UX111930 |
Module |
Cànan Foirmeil is Dreuchdail |
UQ507225 |
Module |
Cànan sa Choimhearsnachd |
UQ507233 |
Module |
Cànan, Cultar agus Cinnidheachd |
UQ508492 |
Module |
Darker side of the internet, The |
UM910001 |
Module |
Darkness, division, and discord? The Highlands, 1603-1707 |
UV211984 |
Module |
Dealbhadh is Dèanamh |
UQ511921 |
Module |
Deamocrasaidh ann an Alba: Teòiridh agus Cleachdadh |
UL208486 |
Module |
Death and burial archaeology |
UV411004 |
Module |
Death and destruction: the social impact of the Thirty Years War (1618 - 1648) |
UV310810 |
Module |
Decision theory: normative models of decision making |
UV509566 |
Module |
Demonstrating professional practice in community learning and development |
UL510001 |
Module |
Developing as a strategic leader |
UX111927 |
Module |
Developing communities in the 21st century |
UL709710 |
Module |
Developing Gaelic Communities: Practical Skills |
UQ509836 |
Module |
Developing potential through placement |
UX111923 |
Module |
Developing professional practice in community learning and development |
UL508427 |
Module |
Developing Teacher Identity and Professionalism |
UX110002 |
Module |
Deviants, Rebels, Outcasts and Villains: History from the Margins in Medieval and Early Modern Society |
UV110003 |
Module |
Devolution, federalism and territorial politics: a comparative perspective |
UL209653 |
Module |
Digital Analysis in Archaeology |
UV411005 |
Module |
Digital heritage |
UV408112 |
Module |
Digital literacy and open education |
UI111009 |
Module |
Discovering Doric |
UQ310821 |
Module |
Discovering the Past: introduction to interdisciplinary research methods |
UB711018 |
Module |
Displaying the Past: Museum Studies |
UV908001 |
Module |
Dissertation (Archaeology) |
UV410773 |
Module |
Dissertation (Archaeological Sciences) |
UF410706 |
Module |
Dissertation (Archaeology PGT) |
UV411914 |
Module |
Dissertation (CNS MLitts Portfolio) |
UQ511903 |
Module |
Dissertation (Culture & Heritage) |
UV910721 |
Module |
Dissertation (Gaelic Scotland) |
UQ510851 |
Module |
Dissertation (History of H and I MLitt) |
UV211985 |
Module |
Dissertation (History) |
UV210824 |
Module |
Dissertation (Literature) |
UQ310817 |
Module |
Dissertation (M Ed) |
UX111925 |
Module |
Dissertation (Philosophy) |
UV510762 |
Module |
Dissertation (Social Sciences) |
UL910804 |
Module |
Dissertation (Sociology/Criminology) |
UM910002 |
Module |
Dissertation (Theological Studies) |
UV610782 |
Module |
Dlùth-chruinneas agus Coimhearsnachdan lomallach |
UL109731 |
Module |
Doctrine of God |
UV609746 |
Module |
Dream visions and dreamlike encounters in medieval Scottish literature |
UQ309680 |
Module |
Dualchas Gàidhlig |
UQ509829 |
Module |
Dualchas Gàidhlig san 21mh linn |
UQ510848 |
Module |
Dynastic decline and religious violence: Valois France, 1550-1610 |
UL309736 |
Module |
Dòighean-Beatha is Nàbaidheachd |
UL311975 |
Module |
Dòighean-Teagaisg Èifeachdach airson Bogadh ann an Àrainneachd Bheartach Ghàidhlig / Immersion Pedagogies and Practices within a Gaelic-Rich Environment |
UX311200 |
Module |
Eachdraidh agus Leasachadh a' Chànain |
UQ509828 |
Module |
Eachdraidh Ceòl na Gàidhlig |
UW308471 |
Module |
Eachdraidh Shòisealta na Gàidhealtachd |
UV208492 |
Module |
Early church history |
UV308480 |
Module |
Early medieval archaeology |
UV411012 |
Module |
Early Scottish and Norse literature |
UQ311904 |
Module |
Editing older Scots |
UQ210729 |
Module |
Education for all |
UX311002 |
Module |
Education placement 1 - Observation, reflection and evaluation |
UX107102 |
Module |
Education placement 1: Professional practice and school placement |
UX108007 |
Module |
Education placement 2a and 2b |
UX109637 |
Module |
Education placement 3a and 3b |
UX110010 |
Module |
Educational enquiry |
UX311010 |
Module |
Educational enquiry proposal |
UX311011 |
Module |
Eighteenth century British historiography |
UV209796 |
Module |
Emigration from the Highlands and Islands since 1750 |
UV210823 |
Module |
Emigration from the Highlands and Islands, 1750-1939 |
UV209797 |
Module |
Empire and ‘Others’: the shaping of British imperialism in North America |
UV110004 |
Module |
Empire strikes back: How the British empire shaped Scotland, the |
UV210838 |
Module |
Empire, Environment and Identity: Scotland, 1600-2000 |
UV107225 |
Module |
Enacting middle leadership |
UN211960 |
Module |
Enacting the curriculum |
UX109636 |
Module |
Engaging with heritage |
UN811985 |
Module |
Engaging with Scottish Calvinism |
UQ310816 |
Module |
Enquiry and practice |
UX111929 |
Module |
Enterprising educator, The |
UX311016 |
Module |
European politics |
UL209652 |
Module |
European prehistories |
UV407107 |
Module |
Evangelism |
UV607206 |
Module |
Evidencing the standard for full registration |
UX111931 |
Module |
Excavation |
UV411006 |
Module |
Excavation skills |
UV408113 |
Module |
Existential philosophy and literature |
UL310811 |
Module |
Expatriates or Europeans? The British and the Irish east of the river Rhine, c. 600-1688 |
UV210843 |
Module |
Expeditionary Skills in a Changing World Part 1 |
UC809684 |
Module |
Expeditionary Skills in a Changing World Part 2 |
UC809685 |
Module |
Exploring creative writing |
UQ311906 |
Module |
Exploring Economics in a Changing World |
UL107119 |
Module |
Exploring other faiths |
UV608484 |
Module |
Exploring the Urban and Rural: Places, People and Policies |
UL708475 |
Module |
Exquisite islands |
UL711936 |
Module |
Faeries and fables: Story of Gaelic literature, The |
UV910723 |
Module |
Feallsanachd Eòrpach |
UV509565 |
Module |
Fight the power: Music and the politics of black America |
UV210839 |
Module |
Film, philosophy, and the adventure of the virtual |
UV507003 |
Module |
Filmichean Aithriseach |
UP310101 |
Module |
Foghlam Bogaidh agus a’ Togail Cànain ann an Suidheachadh Mion-Chànanach / Immersion Education and Language Acquisition in a Minority Language Context |
UX311201 |
Module |
Foghlam Gàidhlig ann an Alba (Gaelic education in Scotland) |
UQ508507 |
Module |
Foillseachadh is Craoladh Gàidhlig |
UQ507228 |
Module |
Folklore |
UQ508505 |
Module |
Food product development |
UX109638 |
Module |
Food studies 1 - Introduction to cookery skills and techniques |
UX107103 |
Module |
Food studies 2 - Food development, training and innovation |
UX107104 |
Module |
Forensic and criminal psychology |
UF411904 |
Module |
From Atlantis to Utopia: the nature of 'islandness' |
UQ311907 |
Module |
From improvement to development: curing 'the Highland problem'? |
UV211994 |
Module |
From Muckle Flugga to Pladda: the Scottish Islands |
UQ311908 |
Module |
From theorists to the theatre: dramatic theory and directing plays |
UQ309678 |
Module |
Frontiers, Landscapes and Journeys: How we make the World |
UL709713 |
Module |
Funerary and burial archaeology |
UV410771 |
Module |
Gaelic For Learners 1A |
UQ507236 |
Module |
Gaelic For Learners 1B |
UQ507237 |
Module |
Gaelic For Learners 2A |
UQ508501 |
Module |
Gaelic For Learners 2B |
UQ508502 |
Module |
Gaelic legacy, The |
UQ511905 |
Module |
Gaelic poetry, An introduction to |
UQ508504 |
Module |
Gaelic prose, An introduction to |
UQ507238 |
Module |
Gaelic story and song |
UQ507239 |
Module |
Gaelic world 1, The |
UQ507240 |
Module |
Gaelic World 2, The |
UQ508506 |
Module |
Gaelic: Past and Present |
UQ508503 |
Module |
Gaoir nam ban: Gaelic women's poetry 1644 - 1746 |
UQ309677 |
Module |
Gender and the family in the Highlands, 1700-1900 |
UV211986 |
Module |
Gender and Viking society: warriors, travellers and farmers |
UR611001 |
Module |
Gender in 19th and 20th century Britain: shifting the structure of intellectual thought |
UL309730 |
Module |
Gender in American culture and society, 1776 - 1917 |
UV210829 |
Module |
Gender, crime and justice |
UM209568 |
Module |
Geo-political development issues |
UF910727 |
Module |
Geopolitics: Territory, security and strategy |
UL310810 |
Module |
Global Scots: Imagining the nation |
UV211988 |
Module |
Globalisation and sustainable development |
UF809759 |
Module |
Globalisation of crime |
UL210808 |
Module |
Globalisation work and society |
UL711937 |
Module |
Glorious spangs: material culture at the early modern court |
UQ309684 |
Module |
Golden Mead and Burning Hearts |
UQ508490 |
Module |
Governance in small islands |
UQ311909 |
Module |
Greek grammar 1 |
UQ707202 |
Module |
Greek grammar 2 |
UQ708474 |
Module |
Greek texts |
UQ709745 |
Module |
Greis Gniomhachais |
UQ507229 |
Module |
Greisean Sgoile 1 (Professional practice 1) |
UQ509841 |
Module |
Greisean Sgoile 2 (Professional practice 2) |
UQ510853 |
Module |
Guided reading |
UV610783 |
Module |
Guns, Guitars and Regeneration: a counter-cultural history of the twentieth century Highlands |
UV209809 |
Module |
Gàidhlig 2 |
UQ508491 |
Module |
Gàidhlig 3 |
UQ509824 |
Module |
Gàidhlig a h-Aon |
UQ507242 |
Module |
Gàidhlig airson Luchd-Teagaisg 1 / Gaelic for Educators 1 |
UX311207 |
Module |
Gàidhlig is conaltradh: sgilean labhairteach |
UQ507226 |
Module |
Gàidhlig is Conaltradh: Sgilean Sgrìobhaidh
UQ507227 |
Module |
Gàidhlig na h-Èireann |
UQ509827 |
Module |
Health and lifestyle |
UX108008 |
Module |
Hebrew grammar 1 |
UQ408475 |
Module |
Hebrew grammar 2 |
UQ408352 |
Module |
Hebrew grammar 2 |
UQ408477 |
Module |
Hebrew texts |
UQ409750 |
Module |
Hebrews |
UV609744 |
Module |
Hermeneutics |
UV610776 |
Module |
Heroic literature: epic from classical to contemporary |
UQ308007 |
Module |
Highland journeys |
UV910724 |
Module |
Highland land wars - origins aftermath and interpretations |
UV210835 |
Module |
Highland voices: music and song |
UQ511909 |
Module |
Highlands and Islands story, The |
UQ511908 |
Module |
Historians and history |
UV208494 |
Module |
Historic landscapes |
UL707138 |
Module |
Historical and cultural perspectives of the North Atlantic rim |
UQ211996 |
Module |
Historical archaeology of the Highlands and Islands |
UV409115 |
Module |
Historiographical essay |
UV209789 |
Module |
History 40 |
ZXY402024 |
Module |
History of Canada: from Champlain to Vimy Ridge |
UV208489 |
Module |
History of crime and punishment |
UM908001 |
Module |
History of political ideas |
UL208485 |
Module |
Holy Spirit and the word, The |
UV610781 |
Module |
Homeward bound: 19th and 20th century fiction |
UQ309676 |
Module |
Homiletics |
UV609739 |
Module |
Hot Wars and Cold Wars, Britain and the Military Instrument 1914-1989 |
UV309732 |
Module |
Iarshader to Iraq: Gaelic poetry of conflict from the 19th century |
UQ310815 |
Module |
Ideas and ideologies in politics |
UL207174 |
Module |
Images of Scotland: Constructing Heritage through Photographs |
UV208488 |
Module |
Imagining new worlds: Renaissance literature and thought |
UQ309674 |
Module |
Imagining the nation |
UV211939 |
Module |
Implementing professional practice in community learning and development |
UL509793 |
Module |
Imrich (agus Iomall a' Chuain Siar) |
UV210831 |
Module |
Imrich is Buaidh Beatha |
UL611963 |
Module |
Inside US politics |
UL308481 |
Module |
Insiders and outsiders in society |
UL310804 |
Module |
Interdisciplinary project (Culture Studies) |
UV909596 |
Module |
Interpretation: purpose and planning |
UN811983 |
Module |
Interpreting the historic environment |
UN811986 |
Module |
Interpreting the natural environment |
UN811987 |
Module |
Interpretive methods, media and design |
UN811988 |
Module |
Introduction to chaplaincy |
UV608486 |
Module |
Introduction to Human Geography |
UF807002 |
Module |
Introduction to Land Reform and Community Land Ownership |
UD407000 |
Module |
Iron Age Scotland c 800BC to AD800 |
UV410772 |
Module |
Iron age Scotland in the Atlantic world |
UV411002 |
Module |
Island futures |
UQ311910 |
Module |
Jacobites: patriots, rebels or opportunists |
UV109001 |
Module |
Jesus and the Gospels |
UV607203 |
Module |
Knowledge: A Philosophical Analysis |
UV508001 |
Module |
Land and People: The Scottish Highlands 1700-2000 |
UV208486 |
Module |
Land as Power: the making of the modern Scottish Landscape from the eighteenth to the twenty-first centuries |
UV109004 |
Module |
Landscape archaeology |
UV410774 |
Module |
Language and palaeography of older Scots |
UQ311901 |
Module |
Language awareness |
UQ109785 |
Module |
Language Policy and Planning 1 |
UQ509835 |
Module |
Language policy and planning 2 |
UL410833 |
Module |
Language policy in the work place |
UQ110843 |
Module |
Languages in the Highlands and Islands |
UQ507219 |
Module |
Languages on the edge |
UQ108370 |
Module |
Leading strategic change |
UX111928 |
Module |
Learning and teaching |
UX311003 |
Module |
Learning and teaching using videoconferencing |
UX309777 |
Module |
Leasachadh air a' Ghàidhealtachd agus Roinnean Iomallach |
UL708478 |
Module |
Leasachadh Choimhearsnachdan San 21mh Linn |
UL709709 |
Module |
Leasachadh Seasmhach |
UD410779 |
Module |
Letters home |
UV309605 |
Module |
Literary borrowings: adaptation and appropriation |
UQ309681 |
Module |
Literary discoveries: A comparative approach to prose fiction |
UQ307199 |
Module |
Literary iconographies: contemporary Scottish Highlands and Islands literature |
UQ311903 |
Module |
Literary image: authenticity, reality and representation after photography |
UQ309675 |
Module |
Litreachas: Sgilean Sgrùdaidh |
UQ507232 |
Module |
Logic and philosophy |
UV507005 |
Module |
Lordship of the Isles, The |
UV211989 |
Module |
Lordship of the Isles, The |
UV211005 |
Module |
Lordship, colony, kingdom: the making of Ireland |
UV210830 |
Module |
Luke-Acts |
UV610778 |
Module |
Making social lives: the Highlands and Islands |
UL707137 |
Module |
Managing archaeology for contemporary society |
UV408111 |
Module |
Maritime archaeology and heritage of northern Scotland |
UV410775 |
Module |
Maritime archaeology and heritage of Scotland |
UV411014 |
Module |
Maritime lives: the Scottish Northern Isles during the early modern period |
UV211982 |
Module |
Materials, artefacts and analysis |
UV410776 |
Module |
Medieval church history |
UV310780 |
Module |
Medieval history of Orkney and Shetland |
UV211991 |
Module |
Medieval Literature: Texts and Contexts |
UQ308004 |
Module |
Merchants, mariners and maritime marauders: Scottish trade in the early modern period |
UV210832 |
Module |
Metafiction: Self-referential texts |
UQ310827 |
Module |
Middle age? Europe, c.1100-c.1500, The |
UV207227 |
Module |
Migration and mobility in modern Britain |
UV209798 |
Module |
Mission in the contemporary context |
UV608483 |
Module |
Mixed methods and action research |
UX311997 |
Module |
Modern history of Orkney and Shetland |
UV211990 |
Module |
Modern Scottish gothic |
UQ311905 |
Module |
Modern times: Popular culture and modernism |
UQ309687 |
Module |
Module A Abroad |
USMQ53410 |
Module |
Module B Abroad |
USMQ53510 |
Module |
Moral philosophy |
UV508004 |
Module |
Moral philosophy |
UV507002 |
Module |
Mothachadh Cànain |
UQ109783 |
Module |
Music, power and politics |
UW311004 |
Module |
Mòr-mheadhanan agus Cultar |
UP309697 |
Module |
Na Dualchainntean Gàidhlig |
UQ510846 |
Module |
Na Meadhanan ann an Alba |
UP308402 |
Module |
Na Meadhanan Ann an Èirinn |
UP310102 |
Module |
Na Meadhanan Gàidhlig |
UQ507231 |
Module |
Na Meadhanan Mion-chànanach |
UP309695 |
Module |
Naidheachdas: Rèidio agus Telebhisean |
UP307002 |
Module |
Nationalism and national identity |
UQ509838 |
Module |
Nature writing and ecology |
UQ309682 |
Module |
Neolithic Scotland |
UV410777 |
Module |
Neolithic studies |
UV411007 |
Module |
Network society: mass media and the information age |
UM910004 |
Module |
Neurons, Brains and Minds |
UV510763 |
Module |
Noble, rebel, king: Robert Bruce and medieval Scotland |
UV210833 |
Module |
Norman diaspora: conquest, colonisation and assimilation, The |
UV210844 |
Module |
North Atlantic world, The: narratives, histories, contact |
UQ211995 |
Module |
Nutrition through the lifespan |
UX108009 |
Module |
Nàiseantachd agus Fèin-aithneachadh Nàiseanta |
UQ509833 |
Module |
Obair Sgioba Èifeachdach |
UQ508464 |
Module |
Old Testament prophecy |
UV608485 |
Module |
Onomastics: Scottish place-names |
UQ508508 |
Module |
Orkney and Shetland literature |
UQ311902 |
Module |
Orkney and Shetland tongues |
UQ511904 |
Module |
Orkney and Shetland: myths and origins |
UV911973 |
Module |
Our digital future: society |
UL310851 |
Module |
Overview of energy use |
UH207001 |
Module |
Palaeography and languages for North Atlantic history, Introduction to |
UV211997 |
Module |
Pastoral and practical theology, Introduction to |
UV607200 |
Module |
Pastry, bakery and cake decorating |
UX107105 |
Module |
Pauline theology |
UV608478 |
Module |
Pentateuch, The |
UV607207 |
Module |
People and the Natural Environment |
UL309731 |
Module |
People protest and power - themes in modern British history 1780 - 1918 |
UV107224 |
Module |
People, plants and animals |
UV410778 |
Module |
Perceptions of heritage |
UV309731 |
Module |
Person and work of Christ |
UV608481 |
Module |
Philosophy and British identity: Adam Smith and the virtues of modernity |
UV211940 |
Module |
Philosophy of religion |
UV509567 |
Module |
Philosophy of science |
UV509568 |
Module |
Picts - revealing the painted past |
UQ511911 |
Module |
Placement |
UN811996 |
Module |
Placement (Archaeological Practice) |
UV411010 |
Module |
Placement for experiential learning in Christian ministry |
UV609741 |
Module |
Planning beyond growth for community projects |
UK410814 |
Module |
Poileasaidh Cànain San Àite-obrach |
UQ110842 |
Module |
Poileasaidh is Planadh Cànain 1 |
UQ509831 |
Module |
Poileasaidh is Planadh Cànain 2 |
UQ510849 |
Module |
Policy and practice |
UX311012 |
Module |
Policy into practice |
UX111932 |
Module |
Political sociology |
UL309734 |
Module |
Political theory |
UL210803 |
Module |
Politics of policing |
UM908002 |
Module |
Politics of the Developing World |
UL211003 |
Module |
Politics, Introduction to |
UL207170 |
Module |
Post-colonial literature |
UQ309673 |
Module |
Postmodernism and total war |
UQ310826 |
Module |
Practical archaeology |
UV411999 |
Module |
Practical environmental archaeology |
UF409518 |
Module |
Practical zooarchaeology |
UV411019 |
Module |
Pre-history of the Highlands and Islands |
UV209786 |
Module |
Preparing for masters-level study |
UX310833 |
Module |
Primary sources in history |
UV211981 |
Module |
Principles and practice of global politics |
UL210802 |
Module |
Problems in Philosophy |
UV507001 |
Module |
Professional development |
UX311004 |
Module |
Professional practice (Primary) |
UX110004 |
Module |
Professional practice (Secondary) |
UX110005 |
Module |
Project design and implementation |
UN811984 |
Module |
Protestant reformation |
UV307204 |
Module |
Psalms |
UV610777 |
Module |
Public health and nutrition |
UX110012 |
Module |
Public history |
UV209804 |
Module |
Qualitative inquiry |
UX211935 |
Module |
Qualitative research methods and analysis |
UL908426 |
Module |
Quantitative research and data analysis |
UX311001 |
Module |
Queer Britannia: Gender, sexuality and performative identities in Britain, 1800-1950 |
UV209805 |
Module |
Quest for the historical Jesus |
UV610779 |
Module |
Rannsachadh agus Riochdachadh airson Telebhisean |
UP307003 |
Module |
Rannsachadh Neach-Cleachdaidh ann am Foghlam Gàidhlig |
UX311206 |
Module |
Re-imagining the nation: ancient and modern |
UQ511924 |
Module |
Reaching the estate of manhood in medieval and early modern Europe |
UV110001 |
Module |
Reading poetry: an introduction |
UQ307200 |
Module |
Reflective Practice |
UX110003 |
Module |
Reflective practice |
UX111926 |
Module |
Religion and identity in modern Scotland |
UV309727 |
Module |
Renaissance Venice: Lagoon, City and Empire |
UQ309667 |
Module |
Renaissances, reformations and revolts: Europe, c 1100 - 1789 |
UV207225 |
Module |
Research and dissertation skills |
UV411001 |
Module |
Research dissertation (Interpretation) |
UN811992 |
Module |
Research Dissertation (Theology, Worldview and Culture) |
UV611973 |
Module |
Research methods and techniques |
UN811989 |
Module |
Research Skills |
UQ509837 |
Module |
Research supervision |
UX311995 |
Module |
Research with children |
UX211934 |
Module |
Resisting and Reversing the Clearances |
UV211999 |
Module |
Restorative justice: ideas and values |
UM210001 |
Module |
Riochdachadh Rèidio |
UP307004 |
Module |
Riochdachadh Rèidio |
UP310103 |
Module |
Riochdachadh Telebhisein |
UP309696 |
Module |
Risk anything: modernist short story, the |
UQ309679 |
Module |
Rivers ports and coasts in European history |
UV411015 |
Module |
Romantic genius: Scottish and European literature, 1750 - 1830 |
UQ209632 |
Module |
Rosg Gàidhlig |
UQ509826 |
Module |
Royal Power, Propaganda and Performance in Early Modern Europe |
UR911000 |
Module |
Runes: voices from the past |
UV910725 |
Module |
Runology and old Norse |
UR611002 |
Module |
Sacramental theology |
UV608479 |
Module |
Saoghal na Gàidhlig 1 |
UQ507230 |
Module |
Saoghal na Gàidhlig 2 |
UQ508496 |
Module |
Satire: the art of attack |
UQ310814 |
Module |
School based research approaches |
UX311013 |
Module |
Science and archaeology |
UF407103 |
Module |
Scotland and Ireland, 1800 - 1939 |
UV209788 |
Module |
Scotland in film |
UV209792 |
Module |
Scotland the brand |
UN807194 |
Module |
Scotland's music |
UV207224 |
Module |
Scotland's second war of independence, 1332 - 1371 |
UV210845 |
Module |
Scotland, the North Sea and the Baltic |
UV208487 |
Module |
Scotlands voice I: language literature and landscape |
UQ511003 |
Module |
Scotland’s customs: traditional beliefs and folklore |
UQ511002 |
Module |
Scotland’s story I: mesolithic to medieval |
UV111001 |
Module |
Scotland’s story II: medieval to the modern era |
UV111002 |
Module |
Scotland’s voice II: music and song |
UQ511004 |
Module |
Scots in North America: experience and identity |
UV209795 |
Module |
Scots in Poland, Poles in Scotland |
UV209799 |
Module |
Scots in the empire: How Scotland shaped the British empire |
UV210836 |
Module |
Scots, Orcadian, and Shetlandic |
UQ509823 |
Module |
Scottish archaeology |
UV408114 |
Module |
Scottish church history |
UV209748 |
Module |
Scottish enlightenment and Highland society, The |
UV209791 |
Module |
Scottish Historical Archaeology |
UV411009 |
Module |
Scottish history: 1066 to 1603 |
UV207223 |
Module |
Scottish history: 1603 to the 20th century |
UV207222 |
Module |
Scottish literature and society |
UQ307201 |
Module |
Scottish poetry and the theme of exile: ballads to moderns |
UQ307203 |
Module |
Scottish politics before and after the independence referendum |
UV208490 |
Module |
Scottish tradition in philosophy |
UV510761 |
Module |
Selling 'cold' islands |
UQ311911 |
Module |
Seventeenth century in the Highlands, The |
UV210821 |
Module |
Sgeulachdan is Òrain Ghàidhlig |
UQ507234 |
Module |
Sgilean Conaltraidh airson nam Meadhanan |
UP307005 |
Module |
Sgilean Deasachaidh |
UQ511922 |
Module |
Sgilean Deasachaidh |
UP307006 |
Module |
Sgilean Dreuchdail |
UP308406 |
Module |
Sgilean Eadar-theangachaidh |
UQ510850 |
Module |
Sgilean Foillseachaidh |
UQ511923 |
Module |
Sgilean Foillseachaidh agus Eagrachaidh Proifeiseanta |
UW309807 |
Module |
Sgilean Rannsachaidh |
UQ509825 |
Module |
Sgilean Teicnigeach |
UP307007 |
Module |
Sgoilearachd is Eilthireachd nan Gàidheal |
UQ508499 |
Module |
Sgrìobhadh Cruthachail |
UQ509834 |
Module |
Sgrùdadh Luchd-amais |
UP310100 |
Module |
Shaping professional identity and practice |
UX311019 |
Module |
Sloinntearachd |
UQ508500 |
Module |
Social and evolutionary psychology |
UL708480 |
Module |
Social Enterprise and the Social Economy |
UL110763 |
Module |
Social history of the Highlands and Islands |
UV208491 |
Module |
Social research methods, Advanced |
UL309729 |
Module |
Sociological theory: continuity and change |
UL308475 |
Module |
Sociology: contemporary Scottish issues |
UL309727 |
Module |
Sovereignty of the sea? Pirates, politicians and the evolution of territorial waters during the early modern period, The |
UV309734 |
Module |
Sport in Highland history |
UV211993 |
Module |
Strange Cases: crime literature and the construction of crime |
UQ309690 |
Module |
Study abroad module (Trent University, Canada) |
UV909998 |
Module |
Study abroad module (Trent University, Canada) |
UV909999 |
Module |
Study of counselling theories, The |
UV608473 |
Module |
Study of things: material culture of medieval and early modern Europe |
UV209802 |
Module |
Survey of Scottish literature, A |
UQ310820 |
Module |
Sustainability past and present |
UV410779 |
Module |
Sustainable development |
UD410780 |
Module |
Sustainable Development |
UD448 |
Programme |
Sustainable tourism |
UN811990 |
Module |
Sustainable tourism and the environment |
UN809802 |
Module |
Systematic theology, Introduction to |
UV607205 |
Module |
Tagradh Rannsachaidh an Neach-Cleachdaidh |
UX311208 |
Module |
Teacher agency and educational practice |
UX311014 |
Module |
Teacher enquiry |
UX110013 |
Module |
Teacher professionalism |
UX111933 |
Module |
Teaching and learning in tertiary and higher education |
UX311998 |
Module |
Teaching and learning in tertiary education |
UX311999 |
Module |
Teaching and learning in the clinical environment |
UX311092 |
Module |
Teaching qualification further education (PGCert) |
UX302 |
Course |
Terrorism and unconventional warfare |
UL210801 |
Module |
Textile studies |
UX108010 |
Module |
Textile studies 2 |
UX108011 |
Module |
Teòiridh, Cruthachadh agus Cothromachadh 1 |
UW307228 |
Module |
Teòraidh, Cruthachadh agus Cothromachadh 2 |
UW308473 |
Module |
Thar nan Linn |
UV211978 |
Module |
The Doctrine of Creation (Foundations) |
UV611972 |
Module |
The Evolving Politics of the British Isles |
UL207169 |
Module |
The Land (Towards Praxis) |
UV611971 |
Module |
The People of God (Towards Praxis) |
UV611975 |
Module |
The Polis (Towards Praxis) |
UV611976 |
Module |
The Troubles: politics, culture and conflict in Northern Ireland, 1965-2010 |
UV210834 |
Module |
Theatrical powerplay: classical and modern tragedy |
UQ308006 |
Module |
Themes in American history |
UV208495 |
Module |
Theological studies project |
UV609747 |
Module |
Theology and Worldview (Foundations) |
UV611970 |
Module |
Theories of literature: an introduction |
UQ307202 |
Module |
Theory and practice of e-learning |
UX311996 |
Module |
Thinking and writing for study, work and life |
UV507004 |
Module |
This sporting life: Identities, culture and sport in Britain and the empire, 1850-2000 |
UV209806 |
Module |
Through a glass darkly: The Medieval in film |
UV210840 |
Module |
Tour of the Highlands, A |
UQ511907 |
Module |
Tradition, custom and belief |
UV308465 |
Module |
Traditional custom, belief and folklore of the Northern Isles |
UV911974 |
Module |
Traditional Gaelic culture |
UQ509839 |
Module |
Traditional Gaelic culture in the 21st century |
UQ510852 |
Module |
Transforming regimes in eastern Europe |
UL210805 |
Module |
Transnational crime |
UL211001 |
Module |
Travellers in the wilderness: Literature and the theme of exile |
UQ307206 |
Module |
Travelling cultures: global diasporas |
UV208485 |
Module |
Tràchdas Ceuma |
UQ510844 |
Module |
Tràchdas For-cheum |
UQ511920 |
Module |
Tuigse nan Ceilteach |
UQ510847 |
Module |
Understanding community learning and development in practice |
UL507190 |
Module |
Understanding Sustainable Development |
UF907188 |
Module |
Understanding the social world |
UL307196 |
Module |
Understanding Violence and Crime in Sport |
UL309737 |
Module |
Understanding worship |
UV607201 |
Module |
Union and discord: 1707 - 1815 |
UQ309686 |
Module |
Varieties of history |
UV211998 |
Module |
Victimology |
UM909001 |
Module |
Vikings and Norse archaeology in the North Atlantic |
UV410780 |
Module |
Vikings and Norse in the North Atlantic |
UV411008 |
Module |
Vikings and Valkyries: People and society in the Viking age |
UR610001 |
Module |
Vikings in Scotland and the Irish Sea Region |
UV211992 |
Module |
Vikings in the Landscape: Understanding Old Norse Place-names |
UR611005 |
Module |
Visions of the past |
UV309735 |
Module |
Visitors studies |
UN811991 |
Module |
Visual research |
UL310805 |
Module |
Visualising the Vikings - Vikings in popular culture |
UR611003 |
Module |
Voices from the Past: Understanding and Using Oral History |
UV211987 |
Module |
Wagner to pulp: Music and identities in Britain and Europe |
UV210841 |
Module |
War cruel and sharp: A military history of the hundred years' war |
UV210842 |
Module |
Wars of the promised land |
UV209794 |
Module |
Wetland archaeology |
UF408305 |
Module |
What is culture? |
UV907203 |
Module |
What is history? |
UV207228 |
Module |
Wisdom literature |
UV609743 |
Module |
Work and society |
UL709706 |
Module |
Work experience in industry |
UX107106 |
Module |
Working together |
UX311005 |
Module |
Working with communities |
UC809677 |
Module |
World archaeology, politics and perspectives |
UV407106 |
Module |
World of terror |
UL211000 |
Module |
Writers and place |
UQ511906 |
Module |
Writing, place and identity |
UQ309688 |
Module |
Youth, Church and Culture |
UV608482 |
Module |
Òrain Ghàidhlig 3 |
UW309806 |
Module |
‘Sche is but a wommen’: Queenship in Medieval Europe |
UV109002 |
Module |