Browse Division

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
(Re)Presenting Highland history UV211979 Module
A clash of civilisations: The Crusades, c.1096-1198 UV209801 Module
A society at war? Scotland, 1100 - 1400 UV209808 Module
A' Cumail Taic ri gach Neach-ionnsachaidh UX311203 Module
A' Leasachadh Choimhearsnachdan Gàidhlig: Sgilean Pragtaigeach UQ509832 Module
A' Riochdachadh a rèir Cuspair UW310830 Module
A' Sgrìobhadh Airson Rèidio agus Telebhisein UP308403 Module
A' Stiùireadh Ionnsachadh ann am Foghlam Gàidhlig UX311202 Module
A' Teagasg Ceòl UW309808 Module
Additional Support Needs in Scottish Schools UX310835 Module
Ag amas air Teagasg 1 (Preparing to Teach 1) UX107108 Module
Ag Amas air Teagasg 2 (Preparing to Teach 2) UX108013 Module
Ainm-eòlas na h-Alba UL708477 Module
Aithriseachd Làitheil UP508367 Module
Alba ann am Filmichean UP308404 Module
Alps, hills and plain? Central Europe to 1918 UV209793 Module
An Cùrsa Adhartais modal a dhà (CA2) UQ507212 Module
An Cùrsa Adhartais modal a h-aon (CA1) UQ507211 Module
An Cùrsa Adhartais modal a trì (CA3) UQ507213 Module
An Cùrsa Adhartais, modal a ceithir (CA4) UQ507214 Module
An Cùrsa Adhartais, modal a Còig (CA5) UQ507221 Module
An Cùrsa Adhartais, modal a Sia (CA6) UQ507222 Module
An Introduction to Social Interaction UL507189 Module
An neach dreuchdail breithneachail is feòrachail (Critical and enquiring professional) UQ510854 Module
An Sgeulachd Ghoirid UQ508495 Module
An t-Aos Dàna UQ510845 Module
An Àrainneachd agus Seasmhachd air an Talamh UF611982 Module
Annas-làimhe 3 UW309805 Module
Annas-làimhe 4 UW310829 Module
Annas-làimhe agus Òrain Ghàidhlig 1 UW307227 Module
Annas-làimhe agus ÒraIn Ghàidhlig 2 UW308472 Module
Anthropology of Religion UV608489 Module
Apocalyptic fictions UQ310819 Module
Applied Critical Enquiry UX211937 Module
Applied critical enquiry in community learning and development UL510000 Module
Applied food safety and quality UX107101 Module
Applied food science UX110008 Module
Applied research project UL311984 Module
Applying psychology to learning UC811001 Module
Approaches to Economic Development UL708474 Module
Archaeobotany to zooarchaeology UF411903 Module
Archaeological and geophysical survey UV411003 Module
Archaeological heritage of Orkney and Shetland UV411011 Module
Archaeological sciences UV409113 Module
Archaeological theory and method UF407102 Module
Archaeology and interpretation UV409114 Module
Archaeology and local studies UV407105 Module
Archaeology of the Highlands and Islands UV411997 Module
Archaeology placement UF409517 Module
Archaeology Project UV409116 Module
Arguments and Alternatives in History UV211980 Module
Artefacts and technology UV411016 Module
Assessment in teaching in the clinical environment UX311091 Module
Atlantic world, 1492 - 1800: the old world meets the new UV207221 Module
Auto/biography: time, memory, identity UQ310818 Module
Avant-garde literature UQ310822 Module
A’ Deasachadh airson Obair UQ508462 Module
A’ Ghàidhlig an-Dè ’s an-Diugh UQ508497 Module
A’ Leasachadh Sgilean Eadar-Phearsanta UQ508463 Module
Back to basics: nutrition UX108006 Module
Bailtean is Iomairean UL411980 Module
Being human: Pauline anthropology in its ancient and modern contexts UV610702 Module
Belief, culture and community UL308476 Module
Beul-aithris Ghàidhlig UQ508494 Module
Biblical theology of mission UV608476 Module
Biomolecular archaeology UF410707 Module
Blended learning, Introduction to UX107100 Module
Books and blackboards: education in Scotland, 1700-1900 UV209803 Module
Britain and the United States: a history of special relationships, c.1776 - present day UV209807 Module
Britain begins: the archaeology of British identity UV211937 Module
Britain's empire: colonies and consequences, 1783 - 1950 UV210827 Module
British empire UV211995 Module
British identities UV211938 Module
Britishness and sport UV211996 Module
Building capacity in excellence and equity UX311017 Module
Building Professional Knowledge and Understanding UX110001 Module
Bàrdachd 1600-1900 UQ509830 Module
Bàrdachd bho 1900 UQ508493 Module
Case studies in eco-literature UC111960 Module
Castles and feudal lordship UV210826 Module
Castles in Context UV211972 Module
Ceistean Mòra an Latha an-Diugh UL411981 Module
Celtic and celtic revival art in Scotland 600 - 2000 UV909597 Module
Celtic and Celtic Revival Art in Scotland 600-2000 UV910722 Module
Celts and Vikings in contact: the North Atlantic a shared cultural space UR611004 Module
Challenging Liberal Democracy: Political Ideas in a Changing World UL209651 Module
Chaos and Conflict?: ‘Civil Wars’ in high medieval Scandinavia UV110002 Module
Children's literature UQ309683 Module
Chivalry and Elite Culture in Context - England and Its Neighbours, 1066 to 1327 UV209787 Module
Christian ethics UV610784 Module
Christian ministries UV608490 Module
Christian spirituality, An overview UV609740 Module
Clann agus an ionnsachadh (Children and their learning) UQ509840 Module
Climate, land and people UF807001 Module
Clàradh is Riochdachadh UW310832 Module
Coimpiutaireachd agus an t-Eadar-lìon UG408110 Module
Coimpiutaireachd airson na Gàidhlig UQ507235 Module
Cold island tourism UN810681 Module
Collaborative enquiry UX311008 Module
Comas Conaltraidh A UQ507223 Module
Comas Conaltraidh B UQ507224 Module
Coming out: late 19th and 20th century theatre UQ307198 Module
Communication strategies and theories UN811982 Module
Community energy UH908001 Module
Community-Based Economic Development UD409203 Module
Community-based economic development UL108731 Module
Comparative institutions of justice UM907001 Module
Comparative Politics UL208484 Module
Conflict and the balance of power in Europe 1789 - 1945 UV107223 Module
Conquerors, Crusaders and Churchmen: The World of the Normans, c.911-c.1204 UV109003 Module
Consumerist society, the UF710840 Module
Contemplating the clearances UV211983 Module
Contemporary food and textile issues UX110009 Module
Contemporary Scottish poetry UQ210730 Module
Continental philosophy UV509569 Module
Counselling in the pastoral setting, an integrative approach UV609742 Module
Court kirk and burgh in late medieval and early modern Scotland UV108000 Module
Creating digital educational resources UI111008 Module
Creideamh and freuteries: traditional custom and belief in the Highlands and Islands UV911975 Module
Crime, custom and conflict 1700 - 1850 UV209800 Module
Criminological theory, Introduction to UM907002 Module
Critical enquiry, An introduction to UX311007 Module
Critical inequalities: problems, policies, and the future UL309728 Module
Critical reflection and enquiry in practice UX311009 Module
Critical reflection for middle leadership UX311018 Module
Crown-Magnate relations in later medieval northern Scotland, c 1290 - 1500 UV209790 Module
Cruthachadh is Cothromachadh UW310831 Module
Cultar Dùthchasach 's Tìr-mòr na Roinn Eòrpa UL311973 Module
Cultar Dùthchasach: Dòighean Rannsachaidh UL311974 Module
Cultar nan Gàidheal UQ507241 Module
Cultar, Fèin-aithne agus Ideòlas Cànain ann am Foghlam Gàidhlig UX311205 Module
Cultural centres and economic powerhouses: Amsterdam, Hamburg and London during the early modern period UV309733 Module
Cultural Criminology UC810799 Module
Cultural heritage management UV411998 Module
Culture and Christianity in the Highlands and Islands, 1742 - 1893 UV210825 Module
Culture and cognition: applying theory in the community UC808426 Module
Culture and Society (Foundations) UV611974 Module
Culture, cognition and education UX307119 Module
Culture? Heritage? What? UV707001 Module
Curious age: European society and culture, c. 1500-1750, a UV208493 Module
Curriculum and pedagogy UX111930 Module
Cànan Foirmeil is Dreuchdail UQ507225 Module
Cànan sa Choimhearsnachd UQ507233 Module
Cànan, Cultar agus Cinnidheachd UQ508492 Module
Darker side of the internet, The UM910001 Module
Darkness, division, and discord? The Highlands, 1603-1707 UV211984 Module
Dealbhadh is Dèanamh UQ511921 Module
Deamocrasaidh ann an Alba: Teòiridh agus Cleachdadh UL208486 Module
Death and burial archaeology UV411004 Module
Death and destruction: the social impact of the Thirty Years War (1618 - 1648) UV310810 Module
Decision theory: normative models of decision making UV509566 Module
Demonstrating professional practice in community learning and development UL510001 Module
Developing as a strategic leader UX111927 Module
Developing communities in the 21st century UL709710 Module
Developing Gaelic Communities: Practical Skills UQ509836 Module
Developing potential through placement UX111923 Module
Developing professional practice in community learning and development UL508427 Module
Developing Teacher Identity and Professionalism UX110002 Module
Deviants, Rebels, Outcasts and Villains: History from the Margins in Medieval and Early Modern Society UV110003 Module
Devolution, federalism and territorial politics: a comparative perspective UL209653 Module
Digital Analysis in Archaeology UV411005 Module
Digital heritage UV408112 Module
Digital literacy and open education UI111009 Module
Discovering Doric UQ310821 Module
Discovering the Past: introduction to interdisciplinary research methods UB711018 Module
Displaying the Past: Museum Studies UV908001 Module
Dissertation (Archaeology) UV410773 Module
Dissertation (Archaeological Sciences) UF410706 Module
Dissertation (Archaeology PGT) UV411914 Module
Dissertation (CNS MLitts Portfolio) UQ511903 Module
Dissertation (Culture & Heritage) UV910721 Module
Dissertation (Gaelic Scotland) UQ510851 Module
Dissertation (History of H and I MLitt) UV211985 Module
Dissertation (History) UV210824 Module
Dissertation (Literature) UQ310817 Module
Dissertation (M Ed) UX111925 Module
Dissertation (Philosophy) UV510762 Module
Dissertation (Social Sciences) UL910804 Module
Dissertation (Sociology/Criminology) UM910002 Module
Dissertation (Theological Studies) UV610782 Module
Dlùth-chruinneas agus Coimhearsnachdan lomallach UL109731 Module
Doctrine of God UV609746 Module
Dream visions and dreamlike encounters in medieval Scottish literature UQ309680 Module
Dualchas Gàidhlig UQ509829 Module
Dualchas Gàidhlig san 21mh linn UQ510848 Module
Dynastic decline and religious violence: Valois France, 1550-1610 UL309736 Module
Dòighean-Beatha is Nàbaidheachd UL311975 Module
Dòighean-Teagaisg Èifeachdach airson Bogadh ann an Àrainneachd Bheartach Ghàidhlig / Immersion Pedagogies and Practices within a Gaelic-Rich Environment UX311200 Module
Eachdraidh agus Leasachadh a' Chànain UQ509828 Module
Eachdraidh Ceòl na Gàidhlig UW308471 Module
Eachdraidh Shòisealta na Gàidhealtachd UV208492 Module
Early church history UV308480 Module
Early medieval archaeology UV411012 Module
Early Scottish and Norse literature UQ311904 Module
Editing older Scots UQ210729 Module
Education for all UX311002 Module
Education placement 1 - Observation, reflection and evaluation UX107102 Module
Education placement 1: Professional practice and school placement UX108007 Module
Education placement 2a and 2b UX109637 Module
Education placement 3a and 3b UX110010 Module
Educational enquiry UX311010 Module
Educational enquiry proposal UX311011 Module
Eighteenth century British historiography UV209796 Module
Emigration from the Highlands and Islands since 1750 UV210823 Module
Emigration from the Highlands and Islands, 1750-1939 UV209797 Module
Empire and ‘Others’: the shaping of British imperialism in North America UV110004 Module
Empire strikes back: How the British empire shaped Scotland, the UV210838 Module
Empire, Environment and Identity: Scotland, 1600-2000 UV107225 Module
Enacting middle leadership UN211960 Module
Enacting the curriculum UX109636 Module
Engaging with heritage UN811985 Module
Engaging with Scottish Calvinism UQ310816 Module
Enquiry and practice UX111929 Module
Enterprising educator, The UX311016 Module
European politics UL209652 Module
European prehistories UV407107 Module
Evangelism UV607206 Module
Evidencing the standard for full registration UX111931 Module
Excavation UV411006 Module
Excavation skills UV408113 Module
Existential philosophy and literature UL310811 Module
Expatriates or Europeans? The British and the Irish east of the river Rhine, c. 600-1688 UV210843 Module
Expeditionary Skills in a Changing World Part 1 UC809684 Module
Expeditionary Skills in a Changing World Part 2 UC809685 Module
Exploring creative writing UQ311906 Module
Exploring Economics in a Changing World UL107119 Module
Exploring other faiths UV608484 Module
Exploring the Urban and Rural: Places, People and Policies UL708475 Module
Exquisite islands UL711936 Module
Faeries and fables: Story of Gaelic literature, The UV910723 Module
Feallsanachd Eòrpach UV509565 Module
Fight the power: Music and the politics of black America UV210839 Module
Film, philosophy, and the adventure of the virtual UV507003 Module
Filmichean Aithriseach UP310101 Module
Foghlam Bogaidh agus a’ Togail Cànain ann an Suidheachadh Mion-Chànanach / Immersion Education and Language Acquisition in a Minority Language Context UX311201 Module
Foghlam Gàidhlig ann an Alba (Gaelic education in Scotland) UQ508507 Module
Foillseachadh is Craoladh Gàidhlig UQ507228 Module
Folklore UQ508505 Module
Food product development UX109638 Module
Food studies 1 - Introduction to cookery skills and techniques UX107103 Module
Food studies 2 - Food development, training and innovation UX107104 Module
Forensic and criminal psychology UF411904 Module
From Atlantis to Utopia: the nature of 'islandness' UQ311907 Module
From improvement to development: curing 'the Highland problem'? UV211994 Module
From Muckle Flugga to Pladda: the Scottish Islands UQ311908 Module
From theorists to the theatre: dramatic theory and directing plays UQ309678 Module
Frontiers, Landscapes and Journeys: How we make the World UL709713 Module
Funerary and burial archaeology UV410771 Module
Gaelic For Learners 1A UQ507236 Module
Gaelic For Learners 1B UQ507237 Module
Gaelic For Learners 2A UQ508501 Module
Gaelic For Learners 2B UQ508502 Module
Gaelic legacy, The UQ511905 Module
Gaelic poetry, An introduction to UQ508504 Module
Gaelic prose, An introduction to UQ507238 Module
Gaelic story and song UQ507239 Module
Gaelic world 1, The UQ507240 Module
Gaelic World 2, The UQ508506 Module
Gaelic: Past and Present UQ508503 Module
Gaoir nam ban: Gaelic women's poetry 1644 - 1746 UQ309677 Module
Gender and the family in the Highlands, 1700-1900 UV211986 Module
Gender and Viking society: warriors, travellers and farmers UR611001 Module
Gender in 19th and 20th century Britain: shifting the structure of intellectual thought UL309730 Module
Gender in American culture and society, 1776 - 1917 UV210829 Module
Gender, crime and justice UM209568 Module
Geo-political development issues UF910727 Module
Geopolitics: Territory, security and strategy UL310810 Module
Global Scots: Imagining the nation UV211988 Module
Globalisation and sustainable development UF809759 Module
Globalisation of crime UL210808 Module
Globalisation work and society UL711937 Module
Glorious spangs: material culture at the early modern court UQ309684 Module
Golden Mead and Burning Hearts UQ508490 Module
Governance in small islands UQ311909 Module
Greek grammar 1 UQ707202 Module
Greek grammar 2 UQ708474 Module
Greek texts UQ709745 Module
Greis Gniomhachais UQ507229 Module
Greisean Sgoile 1 (Professional practice 1) UQ509841 Module
Greisean Sgoile 2 (Professional practice 2) UQ510853 Module
Guided reading UV610783 Module
Guns, Guitars and Regeneration: a counter-cultural history of the twentieth century Highlands UV209809 Module
Gàidhlig 2 UQ508491 Module
Gàidhlig 3 UQ509824 Module
Gàidhlig a h-Aon UQ507242 Module
Gàidhlig airson Luchd-Teagaisg 1 / Gaelic for Educators 1 UX311207 Module
Gàidhlig is conaltradh: sgilean labhairteach UQ507226 Module
Gàidhlig is Conaltradh: Sgilean Sgrìobhaidh UQ507227 Module
Gàidhlig na h-Èireann UQ509827 Module
Health and lifestyle UX108008 Module
Hebrew grammar 1 UQ408475 Module
Hebrew grammar 2 UQ408352 Module
Hebrew grammar 2 UQ408477 Module
Hebrew texts UQ409750 Module
Hebrews UV609744 Module
Hermeneutics UV610776 Module
Heroic literature: epic from classical to contemporary UQ308007 Module
Highland journeys UV910724 Module
Highland land wars - origins aftermath and interpretations UV210835 Module
Highland voices: music and song UQ511909 Module
Highlands and Islands story, The UQ511908 Module
Historians and history UV208494 Module
Historic landscapes UL707138 Module
Historical and cultural perspectives of the North Atlantic rim UQ211996 Module
Historical archaeology of the Highlands and Islands UV409115 Module
Historiographical essay UV209789 Module
History 40 ZXY402024 Module
History of Canada: from Champlain to Vimy Ridge UV208489 Module
History of crime and punishment UM908001 Module
History of political ideas UL208485 Module
Holy Spirit and the word, The UV610781 Module
Homeward bound: 19th and 20th century fiction UQ309676 Module
Homiletics UV609739 Module
Hot Wars and Cold Wars, Britain and the Military Instrument 1914-1989 UV309732 Module
Iarshader to Iraq: Gaelic poetry of conflict from the 19th century UQ310815 Module
Ideas and ideologies in politics UL207174 Module
Images of Scotland: Constructing Heritage through Photographs UV208488 Module
Imagining new worlds: Renaissance literature and thought UQ309674 Module
Imagining the nation UV211939 Module
Implementing professional practice in community learning and development UL509793 Module
Imrich (agus Iomall a' Chuain Siar) UV210831 Module
Imrich is Buaidh Beatha UL611963 Module
Inside US politics UL308481 Module
Insiders and outsiders in society UL310804 Module
Interdisciplinary project (Culture Studies) UV909596 Module
Interpretation: purpose and planning UN811983 Module
Interpreting the historic environment UN811986 Module
Interpreting the natural environment UN811987 Module
Interpretive methods, media and design UN811988 Module
Introduction to chaplaincy UV608486 Module
Introduction to Human Geography UF807002 Module
Introduction to Land Reform and Community Land Ownership UD407000 Module
Iron Age Scotland c 800BC to AD800 UV410772 Module
Iron age Scotland in the Atlantic world UV411002 Module
Island futures UQ311910 Module
Jacobites: patriots, rebels or opportunists UV109001 Module
Jesus and the Gospels UV607203 Module
Knowledge: A Philosophical Analysis UV508001 Module
Land and People: The Scottish Highlands 1700-2000 UV208486 Module
Land as Power: the making of the modern Scottish Landscape from the eighteenth to the twenty-first centuries UV109004 Module
Landscape archaeology UV410774 Module
Language and palaeography of older Scots UQ311901 Module
Language awareness UQ109785 Module
Language Policy and Planning 1 UQ509835 Module
Language policy and planning 2 UL410833 Module
Language policy in the work place UQ110843 Module
Languages in the Highlands and Islands UQ507219 Module
Languages on the edge UQ108370 Module
Leading strategic change UX111928 Module
Learning and teaching UX311003 Module
Learning and teaching using videoconferencing UX309777 Module
Leasachadh air a' Ghàidhealtachd agus Roinnean Iomallach UL708478 Module
Leasachadh Choimhearsnachdan San 21mh Linn UL709709 Module
Leasachadh Seasmhach UD410779 Module
Letters home UV309605 Module
Literary borrowings: adaptation and appropriation UQ309681 Module
Literary discoveries: A comparative approach to prose fiction UQ307199 Module
Literary iconographies: contemporary Scottish Highlands and Islands literature UQ311903 Module
Literary image: authenticity, reality and representation after photography UQ309675 Module
Litreachas: Sgilean Sgrùdaidh UQ507232 Module
Logic and philosophy UV507005 Module
Lordship of the Isles, The UV211989 Module
Lordship of the Isles, The UV211005 Module
Lordship, colony, kingdom: the making of Ireland UV210830 Module
Luke-Acts UV610778 Module
Making social lives: the Highlands and Islands UL707137 Module
Managing archaeology for contemporary society UV408111 Module
Maritime archaeology and heritage of northern Scotland UV410775 Module
Maritime archaeology and heritage of Scotland UV411014 Module
Maritime lives: the Scottish Northern Isles during the early modern period UV211982 Module
Materials, artefacts and analysis UV410776 Module
Medieval church history UV310780 Module
Medieval history of Orkney and Shetland UV211991 Module
Medieval Literature: Texts and Contexts UQ308004 Module
Merchants, mariners and maritime marauders: Scottish trade in the early modern period UV210832 Module
Metafiction: Self-referential texts UQ310827 Module
Middle age? Europe, c.1100-c.1500, The UV207227 Module
Migration and mobility in modern Britain UV209798 Module
Mission in the contemporary context UV608483 Module
Mixed methods and action research UX311997 Module
Modern history of Orkney and Shetland UV211990 Module
Modern Scottish gothic UQ311905 Module
Modern times: Popular culture and modernism UQ309687 Module
Module A Abroad USMQ53410 Module
Module B Abroad USMQ53510 Module
Moral philosophy UV508004 Module
Moral philosophy UV507002 Module
Mothachadh Cànain UQ109783 Module
Music, power and politics UW311004 Module
Mòr-mheadhanan agus Cultar UP309697 Module
Na Dualchainntean Gàidhlig UQ510846 Module
Na Meadhanan ann an Alba UP308402 Module
Na Meadhanan Ann an Èirinn UP310102 Module
Na Meadhanan Gàidhlig UQ507231 Module
Na Meadhanan Mion-chànanach UP309695 Module
Naidheachdas: Rèidio agus Telebhisean UP307002 Module
Nationalism and national identity UQ509838 Module
Nature writing and ecology UQ309682 Module
Neolithic Scotland UV410777 Module
Neolithic studies UV411007 Module
Network society: mass media and the information age UM910004 Module
Neurons, Brains and Minds UV510763 Module
Noble, rebel, king: Robert Bruce and medieval Scotland UV210833 Module
Norman diaspora: conquest, colonisation and assimilation, The UV210844 Module
North Atlantic world, The: narratives, histories, contact UQ211995 Module
Nutrition through the lifespan UX108009 Module
Nàiseantachd agus Fèin-aithneachadh Nàiseanta UQ509833 Module
Obair Sgioba Èifeachdach UQ508464 Module
Old Testament prophecy UV608485 Module
Onomastics: Scottish place-names UQ508508 Module
Orkney and Shetland literature UQ311902 Module
Orkney and Shetland tongues UQ511904 Module
Orkney and Shetland: myths and origins UV911973 Module
Our digital future: society UL310851 Module
Overview of energy use UH207001 Module
Palaeography and languages for North Atlantic history, Introduction to UV211997 Module
Pastoral and practical theology, Introduction to UV607200 Module
Pastry, bakery and cake decorating UX107105 Module
Pauline theology UV608478 Module
Pentateuch, The UV607207 Module
People and the Natural Environment UL309731 Module
People protest and power - themes in modern British history 1780 - 1918 UV107224 Module
People, plants and animals UV410778 Module
Perceptions of heritage UV309731 Module
Person and work of Christ UV608481 Module
Philosophy and British identity: Adam Smith and the virtues of modernity UV211940 Module
Philosophy of religion UV509567 Module
Philosophy of science UV509568 Module
Picts - revealing the painted past UQ511911 Module
Placement UN811996 Module
Placement (Archaeological Practice) UV411010 Module
Placement for experiential learning in Christian ministry UV609741 Module
Planning beyond growth for community projects UK410814 Module
Poileasaidh Cànain San Àite-obrach UQ110842 Module
Poileasaidh is Planadh Cànain 1 UQ509831 Module
Poileasaidh is Planadh Cànain 2 UQ510849 Module
Policy and practice UX311012 Module
Policy into practice UX111932 Module
Political sociology UL309734 Module
Political theory UL210803 Module
Politics of policing UM908002 Module
Politics of the Developing World UL211003 Module
Politics, Introduction to UL207170 Module
Post-colonial literature UQ309673 Module
Postmodernism and total war UQ310826 Module
Practical archaeology UV411999 Module
Practical environmental archaeology UF409518 Module
Practical zooarchaeology UV411019 Module
Pre-history of the Highlands and Islands UV209786 Module
Preparing for masters-level study UX310833 Module
Primary sources in history UV211981 Module
Principles and practice of global politics UL210802 Module
Problems in Philosophy UV507001 Module
Professional development UX311004 Module
Professional practice (Primary) UX110004 Module
Professional practice (Secondary) UX110005 Module
Project design and implementation UN811984 Module
Protestant reformation UV307204 Module
Psalms UV610777 Module
Public health and nutrition UX110012 Module
Public history UV209804 Module
Qualitative inquiry UX211935 Module
Qualitative research methods and analysis UL908426 Module
Quantitative research and data analysis UX311001 Module
Queer Britannia: Gender, sexuality and performative identities in Britain, 1800-1950 UV209805 Module
Quest for the historical Jesus UV610779 Module
Rannsachadh agus Riochdachadh airson Telebhisean UP307003 Module
Rannsachadh Neach-Cleachdaidh ann am Foghlam Gàidhlig UX311206 Module
Re-imagining the nation: ancient and modern UQ511924 Module
Reaching the estate of manhood in medieval and early modern Europe UV110001 Module
Reading poetry: an introduction UQ307200 Module
Reflective Practice UX110003 Module
Reflective practice UX111926 Module
Religion and identity in modern Scotland UV309727 Module
Renaissance Venice: Lagoon, City and Empire UQ309667 Module
Renaissances, reformations and revolts: Europe, c 1100 - 1789 UV207225 Module
Research and dissertation skills UV411001 Module
Research dissertation (Interpretation) UN811992 Module
Research Dissertation (Theology, Worldview and Culture) UV611973 Module
Research methods and techniques UN811989 Module
Research Skills UQ509837 Module
Research supervision UX311995 Module
Research with children UX211934 Module
Resisting and Reversing the Clearances UV211999 Module
Restorative justice: ideas and values UM210001 Module
Riochdachadh Rèidio UP307004 Module
Riochdachadh Rèidio UP310103 Module
Riochdachadh Telebhisein UP309696 Module
Risk anything: modernist short story, the UQ309679 Module
Rivers ports and coasts in European history UV411015 Module
Romantic genius: Scottish and European literature, 1750 - 1830 UQ209632 Module
Rosg Gàidhlig UQ509826 Module
Royal Power, Propaganda and Performance in Early Modern Europe UR911000 Module
Runes: voices from the past UV910725 Module
Runology and old Norse UR611002 Module
Sacramental theology UV608479 Module
Saoghal na Gàidhlig 1 UQ507230 Module
Saoghal na Gàidhlig 2 UQ508496 Module
Satire: the art of attack UQ310814 Module
School based research approaches UX311013 Module
Science and archaeology UF407103 Module
Scotland and Ireland, 1800 - 1939 UV209788 Module
Scotland in film UV209792 Module
Scotland the brand UN807194 Module
Scotland's music UV207224 Module
Scotland's second war of independence, 1332 - 1371 UV210845 Module
Scotland, the North Sea and the Baltic UV208487 Module
Scotlands voice I: language literature and landscape UQ511003 Module
Scotland’s customs: traditional beliefs and folklore UQ511002 Module
Scotland’s story I: mesolithic to medieval UV111001 Module
Scotland’s story II: medieval to the modern era UV111002 Module
Scotland’s voice II: music and song UQ511004 Module
Scots in North America: experience and identity UV209795 Module
Scots in Poland, Poles in Scotland UV209799 Module
Scots in the empire: How Scotland shaped the British empire UV210836 Module
Scots, Orcadian, and Shetlandic UQ509823 Module
Scottish archaeology UV408114 Module
Scottish church history UV209748 Module
Scottish enlightenment and Highland society, The UV209791 Module
Scottish Historical Archaeology UV411009 Module
Scottish history: 1066 to 1603 UV207223 Module
Scottish history: 1603 to the 20th century UV207222 Module
Scottish literature and society UQ307201 Module
Scottish poetry and the theme of exile: ballads to moderns UQ307203 Module
Scottish politics before and after the independence referendum UV208490 Module
Scottish tradition in philosophy UV510761 Module
Selling 'cold' islands UQ311911 Module
Seventeenth century in the Highlands, The UV210821 Module
Sgeulachdan is Òrain Ghàidhlig UQ507234 Module
Sgilean Conaltraidh airson nam Meadhanan UP307005 Module
Sgilean Deasachaidh UQ511922 Module
Sgilean Deasachaidh UP307006 Module
Sgilean Dreuchdail UP308406 Module
Sgilean Eadar-theangachaidh UQ510850 Module
Sgilean Foillseachaidh UQ511923 Module
Sgilean Foillseachaidh agus Eagrachaidh Proifeiseanta UW309807 Module
Sgilean Rannsachaidh UQ509825 Module
Sgilean Teicnigeach UP307007 Module
Sgoilearachd is Eilthireachd nan Gàidheal UQ508499 Module
Sgrìobhadh Cruthachail UQ509834 Module
Sgrùdadh Luchd-amais UP310100 Module
Shaping professional identity and practice UX311019 Module
Sloinntearachd UQ508500 Module
Social and evolutionary psychology UL708480 Module
Social Enterprise and the Social Economy UL110763 Module
Social history of the Highlands and Islands UV208491 Module
Social research methods, Advanced UL309729 Module
Sociological theory: continuity and change UL308475 Module
Sociology: contemporary Scottish issues UL309727 Module
Sovereignty of the sea? Pirates, politicians and the evolution of territorial waters during the early modern period, The UV309734 Module
Sport in Highland history UV211993 Module
Strange Cases: crime literature and the construction of crime UQ309690 Module
Study abroad module (Trent University, Canada) UV909998 Module
Study abroad module (Trent University, Canada) UV909999 Module
Study of counselling theories, The UV608473 Module
Study of things: material culture of medieval and early modern Europe UV209802 Module
Survey of Scottish literature, A UQ310820 Module
Sustainability past and present UV410779 Module
Sustainable development UD410780 Module
Sustainable Development UD448 Programme
Sustainable tourism UN811990 Module
Sustainable tourism and the environment UN809802 Module
Systematic theology, Introduction to UV607205 Module
Tagradh Rannsachaidh an Neach-Cleachdaidh UX311208 Module
Teacher agency and educational practice UX311014 Module
Teacher enquiry UX110013 Module
Teacher professionalism UX111933 Module
Teaching and learning in tertiary and higher education UX311998 Module
Teaching and learning in tertiary education UX311999 Module
Teaching and learning in the clinical environment UX311092 Module
Teaching qualification further education (PGCert) UX302 Course
Terrorism and unconventional warfare UL210801 Module
Textile studies UX108010 Module
Textile studies 2 UX108011 Module
Teòiridh, Cruthachadh agus Cothromachadh 1 UW307228 Module
Teòraidh, Cruthachadh agus Cothromachadh 2 UW308473 Module
Thar nan Linn UV211978 Module
The Doctrine of Creation (Foundations) UV611972 Module
The Evolving Politics of the British Isles UL207169 Module
The Land (Towards Praxis) UV611971 Module
The People of God (Towards Praxis) UV611975 Module
The Polis (Towards Praxis) UV611976 Module
The Troubles: politics, culture and conflict in Northern Ireland, 1965-2010 UV210834 Module
Theatrical powerplay: classical and modern tragedy UQ308006 Module
Themes in American history UV208495 Module
Theological studies project UV609747 Module
Theology and Worldview (Foundations) UV611970 Module
Theories of literature: an introduction UQ307202 Module
Theory and practice of e-learning UX311996 Module
Thinking and writing for study, work and life UV507004 Module
This sporting life: Identities, culture and sport in Britain and the empire, 1850-2000 UV209806 Module
Through a glass darkly: The Medieval in film UV210840 Module
Tour of the Highlands, A UQ511907 Module
Tradition, custom and belief UV308465 Module
Traditional custom, belief and folklore of the Northern Isles UV911974 Module
Traditional Gaelic culture UQ509839 Module
Traditional Gaelic culture in the 21st century UQ510852 Module
Transforming regimes in eastern Europe UL210805 Module
Transnational crime UL211001 Module
Travellers in the wilderness: Literature and the theme of exile UQ307206 Module
Travelling cultures: global diasporas UV208485 Module
Tràchdas Ceuma UQ510844 Module
Tràchdas For-cheum UQ511920 Module
Tuigse nan Ceilteach UQ510847 Module
Understanding community learning and development in practice UL507190 Module
Understanding Sustainable Development UF907188 Module
Understanding the social world UL307196 Module
Understanding Violence and Crime in Sport UL309737 Module
Understanding worship UV607201 Module
Union and discord: 1707 - 1815 UQ309686 Module
Varieties of history UV211998 Module
Victimology UM909001 Module
Vikings and Norse archaeology in the North Atlantic UV410780 Module
Vikings and Norse in the North Atlantic UV411008 Module
Vikings and Valkyries: People and society in the Viking age UR610001 Module
Vikings in Scotland and the Irish Sea Region UV211992 Module
Vikings in the Landscape: Understanding Old Norse Place-names UR611005 Module
Visions of the past UV309735 Module
Visitors studies UN811991 Module
Visual research UL310805 Module
Visualising the Vikings - Vikings in popular culture UR611003 Module
Voices from the Past: Understanding and Using Oral History UV211987 Module
Wagner to pulp: Music and identities in Britain and Europe UV210841 Module
War cruel and sharp: A military history of the hundred years' war UV210842 Module
Wars of the promised land UV209794 Module
Wetland archaeology UF408305 Module
What is culture? UV907203 Module
What is history? UV207228 Module
Wisdom literature UV609743 Module
Work and society UL709706 Module
Work experience in industry UX107106 Module
Working together UX311005 Module
Working with communities UC809677 Module
World archaeology, politics and perspectives UV407106 Module
World of terror UL211000 Module
Writers and place UQ511906 Module
Writing, place and identity UQ309688 Module
Youth, Church and Culture UV608482 Module
Òrain Ghàidhlig 3 UW309806 Module
‘Sche is but a wommen’: Queenship in Medieval Europe UV109002 Module

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